Is Green Tea Alkaline or Acidic?

July 31, 2023 4 min read

Is Green Tea Alkaline or Acidic?

Green tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. In recent years, it gained popularity due to the discovery of many health benefits green tea holds. For example, green tea is made with a plant called Camellia Sinesis, which is rich in antioxidants (1). These antioxidants hold many anti-viral properties, which allows the body to fight viruses easier. However green tea is often an acidic drink, although some green teas are more acidic than others (more on that later). The silver lining is that there are steps you can take to increase your green tea’s pH level, thus receiving the health benefits without the risks. 

Understanding pH and acidity

pH is a scale of levels ranging from 0 to 14, each level revealing how acidic or alkaline a liquid is. Acidic solutions are assigned lower numbers, and alkaline (sometimes called basic) solutions are given higher numbers. A pH of 7 refers to a completely neutral solution, which is neither acidic nor basic. Regular drinking water has a neutral pH of 7. For reference, acidic liquids include black coffee (pH of 5), orange juice (pH of 3), and vinegar (pH of 2). 

To find the pH of a liquid, there are three main tools that can be used. pH indicators and Litmus papers both allow you to determine if something is acidic or alkaline based on the color the tool turns when it is put in the liquid (2). A pH meter is a precise measurement of pH level, since it uses electrodes to determine the exact pH of a liquid. 

What is the pH level of green tea?

As previously mentioned, green tea is inherently acidic. Different sources cite different pH levels for green teas, which can vary based on the brand of green tea tested. Generally speaking, green tea has a pH of 4.9-5.5, which is acidic, but not extremely acidic (3). However, the National Library of Medicine tested popular brands of green tea, including Lipton, Arizona, and Cristal Lite, all of whose pH was around 3 (4).

There are many factors influencing green tea’s pH level, including how it is processed, brewed, and made. First, the processing methods of green tea can affect its pH level. Some leaves are naturally more acidic than others, so these teas will be more acidic. Additionally, because tea bags are crushed up leaves, they release more flavor than loose leaf teas, making tea bags more acidic than loose leaf teas (5). Another factor that affects the acidity of green tea is how it is brewed. The longer the leaves steep, the more acidic the tea will be. Lastly, adding additional ingredients into your tea can affect the pH level of the tea. Adding milk, an alkaline beverage, to tea will raise its pH.  

Health implications of green tea’s acidity

While green tea is rich in antioxidants, there are health implications of consuming such an acidic drink. First, studies have found that green tea’s low pH affects dental health. Research conducted indicates that the lower the pH, the more erosive the beverage is on teeth (4). Some green teas are more acidic than others, so it is important to know the pH of the brand you find yourself drinking. 

Additionally, studies are continually being conducted to understand further what green tea’s acidity does in relation to gastrointestinal health. Most claims on the subject are still theoretical, but many believe that “the more acidic the food [or beverage], theoretically, the more likely it is to cause gastrointestinal distress” (6). 

Lastly, as is true with many acidic beverages, the low pH found in green tea is known to trigger acid reflux and heartburn.

Balancing green tea’s acidity

While the acidity of green tea may lead to negative health implications, it is important to note that the pH of green tea can be raised, which would effectively diminish these health concerns. The main reason that green tea is so acidic is because acidic tea leaves are being added to pH neutral water. This causes the drink’s pH to be lowered. However, if the tea leaves are added to an alkaline (high pH) water,  this would balance the pH out. 

Alkaline water, or water with a pH above 7, is full of healthy minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It can help with acid reflux and other health concerns by neutralizing the body’s pH level. Additionally, alkaline water has advanced hydrating qualities, so drinking green tea brewed in alkaline water can actually help you stay hydrated for longer, which has been shown to improve athletic performance. 

To minimize potential acidity related issues, it is crucial to practice moderation in the consumption of highly acidic beverages, or to substitute regular drinking water with alkaline water to minimize health concerns. To neutralize acidity in your next cup of green tea, try using alkaline water, like that produced by a Seychelle alkalizing water filter

The Wrap-Up

While different types/brands of green tea have different pH levels, they are almost always under a pH of 7, making them acidic. In general, their pH causes them to be considered acidic, which can lead to dental erosion, acid reflux, and other health concerns. However, green tea can be neutralized by using alkaline water instead of regular drinking water, which can help mitigate these health concerns. The final verdict? Green tea is acidic, but Seychelle can help with that. By brewing green tea with alkaline water, it can be a part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the pH level of most green tea?

Green tea has a range of pH levels depending on the brand and how it is processed, but many green teas have a pH of 3-5.5.

How do you make green tea less acidic?

Green tea can be less acidic if it is brewed with an alkaline water, which will balance out the acidity. Additionally, additives like milk can be added to your tea to raise its pH.


  1. Diana L,Tea Leavz,,the%20recovery%20time 
  2. Carolina Knowledge Center,,-Litmus%20paper%20is&text=Red%20litmus%20turns%20blue%20in,precise%20than%20a%20litmus%20strip.
  3. Richard Smith,Tea and Coffee, 
  4. Avanija Reddy, et. al., National Library of Medicine,
  5. Hello Tea Cup,,tend%20to%20be%20more%20acidic.&text=Assuming%20the%20tea%20that%20you,duration%20will%20positively%20affect%20acidity 
Emily Kovach,PA Eats,