What is the pH of Bottled Water?

April 04, 2023 3 min read

What is the pH of Bottled Water?

Sometimes, words like “pH” or “alkaline” can be overwhelming. These words sound highly scientific, so why does the average Joe need to understand them? In reality, these scientific-sounding words are crucial to stay informed about what enters our body each day, especially when it comes to water. 

What is alkaline/high pH water?

pH is a number on a scale of 0 through 14 assigned to every liquid. The lower the number is, the more acidic the liquid. The higher the number is, the more alkaline (or basic) the liquid is. A liquid with the number 7 assigned to it is neutral, so it is not acidic or alkaline. Normal drinking water typically has a pH of 7. 

Alkaline refers to a liquid that has a pH over 7. Alkaline water typically falls between 8 and 10 on a pH scale  (1). It goes through a process to alkalize it, which removes harmful contaminants from the water while keeping in healthy minerals. These minerals are what raises the water’s alkalinity. 

What are the benefits of pH water?

Because of its raised alkalinity, alkaline water can offset the body’s acidity. This detoxifies the body and brings it back to equilibrium. Additionally, reducing the body’s acidity can help with digestion and nutrient absorption. This has been cited to help with weight loss. Alkaline (pH) water can also help with acid reflux and reduce heartburn

What is the pH of bottled water?

The pH of bottled water varies with each type of water. Non-alkaline bottled water tends to be around a neutral pH of 7, but they can be as low as 6. Expensive pH water brands can boast a pH as high as 9. 

Non-alkaline water bottle brands tend to be inconsistent with their pH levels, leading to borderline acidic water. Drinking water with a pH of 6.8 potentially holds negative side effects for the consumer. According to nutritionist Kelli McGrane, “research has found that solutions with lower pH levels are more likely to leach heavy metals from the environment.” She goes on to note that drinking acidic water can damage the teeth and bone strength, since high acidity prevents calcium absorption  (2). 

In comparison, alkaline/high pH water may help strengthen the body’s immune system, offsetting the effects of acidity. However, not all alkaline water is created equal. Bottled alkaline water has its own setbacks, cost being a large one. Alkaline water is not cost effective if bought per bottle, and its cost may in some cases cancel out its benefits. Bottled water also holds the risk of plastic leaching its way into the water, since bottles stored in hot warehouses are likely absorbing many chemicals from its plastic surrounding  (3). 

The best way to reap the benefits of alkaline water without the negatives of plastic bottles is to invest in an alkaline water filter, like those offered by Seychelle. While the initial cost may be higher than buying bottled water, water filters can be reused for up to 150 gallons, so in the long run it will be much more cost effective. An alkaline filter is cost effective and provides you with healthy, high pH water every time you drink water. 

The Wrap-Up

The pH of bottled water depends on the type of water and brand. Bottled alkaline water generally has a pH between 8 and 9, while regular bottled water falls around 6.8 or 7. When regular bottled water has a pH lower than 7, it is approaching acidity, and this can lead to greater risks and side effects. However, bottled alkaline water can be extremely expensive. Drinking alkaline water from a Seychelle water filter allows you to have clean alkaline water at home every time you need it, saving time, money, and plastic waste. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which bottled water has the best pH?

Bottled water with the best pH falls within the 7-9 range. Drinking water in this range is alkaline, so it comes with many health benefits. 

Which pH water is healthiest?

The water with the most health benefits is alkaline water, which has a pH between 7-9. 


  1. Rena Goldman,Healthline,https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/alkaline-water-benefits-risks 
  2. Kelli McGrance,Healthline,https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/acidic-water 
  3. Nick Lavars,New Atlashttps://newatlas.com/health-wellbeing/soft-plastic-bottles-chemicals-drinking-water/