Still Buying Cases of Alkaline Water? Try an Alkaline Filter Pitcher Instead

February 21, 2023 4 min read

Still Buying Cases of Alkaline Water? Try an Alkaline Filter Pitcher Instead

Constantly buying and stocking up on cases of alkaline water can be a hassle and also put a strain on your budget and contribute to plastic waste. An alkaline filter pitcher can be the solution. These handy devices offer a convenient and eco-friendly way to enjoy the benefits of alkaline water in the comfort of your own home. 

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using an alkaline filter pitcher, how they work, and the different options available on the market.

What is alkaline water?

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular tap water. The pH scale measures the acidity or basicity of a substance, with 7 being neutral, lower than 7 being acidic, and higher than 7 being alkaline. The pH of alkaline water is typically between 7.5 and 9.5. 

Alkaline water may have various health benefits, such as neutralizing acid in the body, improving digestion, and helping with hydration.

Bottled Alkaline water vs. Seychelle Alkaline Pitcher

When it comes to obtaining alkaline water, there are two main options: bottled alkaline water or a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher. Both have pros and cons, but which is the best choice for you?

Both bottled alkaline water and Seychelle alkaline water pitchers are designed to provide water with a higher pH level than regular tap water. Both options are believed to have potential health benefits, such as neutralizing acid in the body, improving hydration, and providing antioxidant properties. Additionally, both options are readily available for purchase and easy to obtain, whether through a store or online.


Using a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is a cost-effective and sustainable alternative to bottled alkaline water. It saves money, reduces the amount of plastic waste associated with buying bottled water, and can be used for a long time. 

A Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is a one-time cost that ranges from around $25 to $55, depending on the model and brand. While the initial purchase may be more expensive than a single case of bottled water, the cost per gallon of water is significantly less expensive when using the pitcher over time.

A 24-pack case of 20z bottles of pH water is $33 ($8.80 a gallon), while one Seychelle pH pitcher replacement is $52.16 with subscription and lasts up to 150 gallons (only 0.34 cents a gallon), which saves you a lot of money over time. 

Plastic Leaching

Plastic leaching refers to releasing chemicals from plastic products into the environment, particularly when the plastic is exposed to heat or acidic substances. Both bottled water and Seychelle alkaline water pitchers are made of plastic, but Seychelle is BPA non-leaching.

When it comes to bottled water, plastic bottles can sit in hot warehouses for years and leach dangerous chemicals into the water, which can cause chemicals to leach into the water. Additionally, many plastic bottles are not designed for long-term use and are meant to be disposed of after a single use, leading to plastic waste.

In contrast, a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is made of food-grade, premium, non-leaching plastic designed for long-term use. The pitcher is not exposed to heat or light, which reduces the risk of plastic leaching. Additionally, using a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste associated with buying bottled water as it can be used for a long time.

Environmental Impact

Bottled alkaline water has a significant environmental impact due to the plastic waste it generates. Many plastic bottles are not designed for long-term use and are meant to be disposed of after a single use. Most plastic bottles are not recycled and end up in landfills or oceans, where they can take hundreds of years to decompose. Plastic bottles also require a lot of energy to produce and transport, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is designed for long-term use, which can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste associated with buying bottled water. The pitcher is made of high-quality plastic, designed for long-term use, and does not require the same energy and resources to produce, transport, and recycle as bottled water.

Another advantage of using a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is that it filters the tap water and adds minerals to raise its pH level, thus eliminating the need to purchase cases of bottled alkaline water. This not only saves money but also reduces the amount of plastic waste associated with buying bottled water. 

Save time

A Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is designed to filter and alkalize tap water, eliminating the need to purchase cases of bottled water constantly. It can save time in the long run by reducing the need to make frequent trips to the store to purchase water. Additionally, Seychelle filters can be set to autoship, and you never need to worry about reordering their next filter. They are also easy to fill and use and can be stored in the refrigerator, making them a convenient option for home or office use. And the pitcher can be used for a long time; thus, it saves time by reducing the need to purchase new bottles. 


Both bottled alkaline water and Seychelle alkaline water pitchers have unique benefits and drawbacks. Bottled alkaline water is convenient and easy to find, making it a good option for people who are always on the move. However, it has a significant environmental impact due to the plastic waste it generates.

On the other hand, a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher is designed to filter and alkalize tap water, eliminating the need to constantly purchase cases of bottled water. It's a more sustainable and eco-friendlier alternative as it reduces the amount of plastic waste associated with buying bottled water. Additionally, it can save money and time over time by reducing the need to purchase new bottles and make frequent trips to the store.


1. How does a Seychelle alkaline water pitcher work?

A Seychelle alkaline water pitcher uses a filter and a mineral cartridge to remove impurities and raise the pH level of tap water, making it alkaline. The filter removes contaminants such as chlorine, lead, and pesticides, while the alkaline media adds beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium to increase the alkalinity of the water.

2. How often should I replace the filter in my Seychelle alkaline water pitcher?

The replacement frequency depends on the usage and the tap water quality. Seychelle alkaline water pitcher's filter can last up to 150 gallons.