August 06, 2024 4 min read
Most people have felt dehydrated at some point in their life. Maybe you are a mother who focuses on her children all day, and you forgot to pause and drink water. Or perhaps you sat outside at a sporting event, and the hot sun causes you to feel faint, despite drinking water. Whatever the case may be, dehydration demonstrates the importance of drinking enough water. Without enough water, the human body cannot function properly.
Water is the most important factor of human survival. According to research conducted by Harvard Medical School, water “carr[ies] nutrients and oxygen to your cells, flush[es] bacteria from your bladder, …normaliz[es] blood pressure, cushion[s] joints, protect[s] organs and tissues, and regulat[es] body temperature” (1).
For nearly every bodily function, water is necessary to keep it running properly. Because of this, humanscannot typically last longer than three days without water. Water is essential to life.
The human body is made up of 60-70% water (2). This water does not stay stagnant in our body, but it can exit your body through sweat, urine and feces, and even through breathing. It is then your responsibility to replenish the body’s water supply through what we drink and eat.
About one-third of the body’s water comes through food. Certain foods are made up of mostly water, and eating these can increase your hydration. Water-rich foods include leafy greens, watermelon, and cucumbers.
Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluids than it can take in. When you lose these fluids without properly replenishing them, your body cannot function normally (3). Many factors play into dehydration, including your environment and health. For example, living in a hot, sunny, or humid environment will increase your risk of dehydration, as you will probably sweat more. Sweating is one of the ways water leaves your body. Additionally, illnesses that cause fever, diarrhea, or vomiting also cause the body to lose water, increasing the risk of dehydration.
The most common cure for dehydration is to drink more water.
Symptoms of dehydration vary based on the time length in which water is unavailable, as well as based on the overall health of the person. Most people can recognize the beginning stages of dehydration, which begin with feeling thirsty or having a dry mouth. This can be followed by fatigue and poor focus (4). The body then alerts the kidneys, which will slow their function and send less water to the bladder. This results in less frequent urination and the urine being a darker color (2).
From there, continued dehydration can lead to headaches, dizziness, heatstroke and an elevated body temperature, and stiff joints (5). Eventually, severe dehydration can lead to kidney failure, brain swelling, seizures, and eventually, death.
For children and infants, the early signs of dehydration look different. It is important to monitor liquid intake for children, especially babies who cannot yet communicate they are thirsty. Dehydration symptoms for children include dry tongue and lips, no tears when crying, less frequent wet diapers, sunken eyes, dry skin, and cool, blotchy hands and feet (3). Knowing what to look for with children can help prevent serious effects of dehydration.
Over twenty-four hours, it is unlikely dehydration symptoms will be severe. However, older demographics, those not in good health, and people living in extreme heat may experience more harmful symptoms than a healthy adult. Usually, twenty-four hours without water will result in mild dehydration (5). Mild dehydration symptoms include feeling thirsty, tiredness, less frequent urination and headaches.
It is not recommended to withhold water from your body. Water is the most important nourishment you can give your body, as it keeps your cells, organs, and joints functioning properly. Always ensure you have access to clean, safe drinking water. If you are camping or in an area where safe drinking water is scarce, consider taking with you a compact water filter, like a hollow fiber straw. By having access to safe drinking water at all times, you can easily avoid dehydration.
How long does it take your body to shut down without water?
On average, a human can only live three to five days without water. However, this range may vary based on the health of the individual, environment, and energy exerted during that time.
What happens if you don’t drink water all day?
Without drinking water all day, you will experience mild dehydration, which can result in tiredness, dry mouth, and headaches.
How long can you go without water until dehydration?
Typically, on the second day of not drinking water or receiving water from food, you will begin to experience more severe dehydration symptoms. These can include heatstroke, organ failure, and seizures.