Is Spring Water Alkaline or Acidic?

July 31, 2023 4 min read

Is Spring Water Alkaline or Acidic?

Across the United States, there is a growing interest in water quality and the impact it has on our health. This trend follows many conversations about physical health and new chemicals found in beverages that people consume every day, and more people want to know the facts: What is healthy to put in your body, and what isn’t? Typically, acidic foods and beverages are not healthy to put in your body in large quantities because they can lead to digestive issues.

Understanding pH and its importance

To measure the acidity of a liquid, a pH number is assigned to the liquid. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. Water is a 7 on the pH scale, meaning it is completely neutral. However, not all water is totally neutral, as there are many different types of water from different sources.

Knowledge of the pH scale is important as it relates to the human body, since “different organs function at their optimal level of pH”. By consuming too much acid in your diet, you are more likely to offset the pH balance in your body. This can lead to an acid-base abnormality, like acidosis or alkalosis, both of which are diseases that affect the bloodstream (1). 

Exploring the characteristics of spring water

One common type of water most Americans consume frequently is spring water, which is typically found in bottled water. Spring water is essentially just water that comes from a spring, and it is “collected at the point where water flows naturally to the earth’s surface or from a borehole that taps into the underground source” (2). It is filtered naturally, so it is less likely to be contaminated than lake or river water.

The pH of spring water, like any type of water, varies depending on its source and mineral count. The source of spring water has its own mineral content, and these minerals affect the pH of the water (3).  Some sources of spring water are naturally more acidic, and some are more alkaline, and this directly translates to the pH of the spring water you consume. 

Unraveling the pH of spring water

As previously mentioned, the pH of spring water varies depending on the source of the spring water. The range for pH level of spring water can fall anywhere from 4-8 (from acidic to alkaline.) This is because some spring sources are naturally more acidic, and some are jam-packed with alkaline minerals. Whatever minerals are in the spring are those that the water flows through and collects. For example, two of the most popular bottled water brands source their water from a spring that is near-neutral pH. Their pHs are both around 6.9 (4). Certain French-based water springs, however, boast alkaline pH levels much closer to 8. There are a wide range of pH values associated with spring water, all depending on the source. 

Debunking common misconceptions

Myth: All spring water is naturally alkaline. 

Fact: While many people believe “spring water” is synonymous with “alkaline water,” that is not the case. The source of the spring water may be naturally neutral, as many American water springs are, or naturally acidic. Common grocery store brands found in the United States actually have neutral pH levels. 

Myth: Spring water is always acidic due to environmental factors.

Fact: Just as spring water is not always alkaline, spring water is not always acidic. Spring water may be alkaline or acidic, depending on the specific minerals the water flows through before it is gathered. 

Benefits of alkaline water and its relation to spring water

Because spring water varies dramatically in pH level based on the source of the water, not all spring water shares the same benefits. However, naturally alkaline spring water does come with its own wealth of benefits. Alkaline water contains many healthy minerals that other types of water do not have. These minerals are known to cause certain health benefits in the consumer. Research shows that alkaline water can boost your metabolism, improve how nutrients are absorbed in the body, and neutralize acid in the bloodstream (5). 

Therefore, spring water with high alkalinity also shares in these benefits to the consumer. That being said, any spring water can become alkaline water with the right tools. Seychelle offers a pH water pitcher that can turn any water–spring or tap–into alkaline water, giving you all the benefits of naturally alkaline spring water. 

The Wrap-Up

While a popular choice among bottled water, spring water is not always alkaline. It is important to check the brand of your spring water to learn if you are receiving the benefits of alkaline water. If you are not, there is an easy solution. By running your favorite spring water through a Seychelle pH water filter, you can drink the spring water you love with the extra health benefits your body needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is spring water as good as alkaline water?

Spring water cannot be compared to alkaline water because “spring” refers to the water’s source, and “alkaline” refers to the water’s pH  level. Water can be both spring and alkaline, or it can be spring and acidic, depending on the mineral content of the spring where the water was gathered. Alkaline water has a variety of health benefits that acidic water does not.

How acidic is spring water?

Spring water varies in acidity or alkalinity according to the water’s source, but some bottled spring waters have a pH as low as 4.75.

References Cited

  1. Surat P,News Medical Life Sciences 
  2. Environmental Protection  Agency, 
  3. Kellie Wright, American Dental Hygienists Association, 
  4. Ion Life,
  5. Rachael Link,Dr. Axe