How to Make Tap Water Taste Better

June 05, 2023 4 min read

How to Make Tap Water Taste Better

Tap water is somewhat a controversial topic in the public eye. Some people use it for everything, from bathing to drinking. Others prefer not to drink it, believing it is unsafe. Still others do not have any safety concerns against tap water, but they do not like the taste often associated with tap water. Tap water provides a cheaper, more accessible alternative to bottled drinking water. 

Where does tap water come from and why does it taste bad?

Tap water usually begins from a groundwater source, such as a lake or river  (1). From there, it must undergo various treatments to make it safe to drink and remove any impurities. These treatments are on both a biological and a chemical level, includingsedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, disinfection, and filtration. However, these treatments do not necessarily change the taste of the water, since the water can have a strange taste due to its groundwater origin. Water originating from a nearby industrial site, for example, may still have the taste of chemicals or heavy metals in it  (2).

After the water is treated, it is pumped into a distribution network of pipes and storage tanks. These storage tanks make the water easily accessible to households and businesses, wherever they may be. Currently, “over 286 million Americans get their tap water from a community water system,” and this number does not include non-community systems, which are used to distribute and store water in more rural areas  (3). These pipes and storage tanks are typically property of the city, which means the city is in charge of any upkeep that needs to be done. Negligence on the part of the city can lead to tap water tasting bad due to aging pipes or contaminants in the tanks.

Once distributed, the water is stored in these systems to ensure a constant water supply is available. As previously mentioned, contaminants inside the storage tanks can contribute to bad-tasting tap water. There are many different techniques for storing tap water, and the water’s unpleasant taste can be introduced at this point, as well. 

Tap water is continuously monitored and tested to ensure that it meets the quality standards set by regulatory agencies  (4). These agencies regularly test their domain’s water for various contaminants, such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and heavy metals. However, the quality of water varies across the nation, and these systems are not always successful. In the case of Flint, Michigan, for example, the system failed completely. Water was not adequately tested, leading to unsafe drinking water and a plethora of health problems for Flint’s residents  (5).    

While the tap water collection and treatment process is complex, it is not without its imperfections. Along the way, contaminants enter the water supply, affecting the taste of the tap water.   

How can someone make their tap water taste better?

While there are a variety of ways to make tap water taste better, there is only one that will solve the issue of bad-tasting tap water. Bad-tasting water is caused by contaminants in the water, and these contaminants can only be removed with a filter. A water filter is the only way to avoid bad-tasting tap water by actually fixing the problem. An alkalizing water filter, in particular, will filter tap water to remove any contaminants while also improving the taste. Additionally, this filtered water comes with a series of health benefits, like helping the digestive system and reducing acidity within the body. 

However, if a water filter is not available, there are other tricks to make tap water taste better. These tricks will mask the bad-tasting water, but they will not remove the contaminants from the water. For example, chilling the water could make the water taste better. Others suggest using a straw or cleaning your water dispenser will help with the taste. Lastly, infusing water with fruits or herbs, like a slice of lemon, will help improve the taste of tap water. 

The Wrap-Up

While most tap water in the United States is considered safe to drink, that does not mean it is contaminant-free. Chemicals or heavy metals may be in your water from its groundwater origin, or they may be added along the way during the distribution process. Whatever the case may be, these contaminants often leave our water with an unpleasant taste. In order to ensure clean, fresh-tasting tap water, choose Seychelle. Seychelle water filters are an affordable way to drink great tasting tap water, every time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any way to make tap water taste better?

Yes, you may change the taste of tap water through many different ways. You can try chilling the water, drinking from a straw, cleaning the water dispenser, or adding fruit or herbs to the water. However, the most reliable way to make tap water taste better is through a water filter.

Do water filters make tap water taste better?

Yes. Contaminants can make water taste bad, so when water filters remove the contaminants, it results in better tasting water.

How can I improve my tap water?

Tap water can be improved by an alkalizing water filter. Alkalizing the water will give your tap water extra health benefits. 

Why is tap water not tasteless?

Contaminants like chlorine can add a taste to tap water that is usually unpleasant. 


    1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 
    2. Ayisha Sharma,WebMD, 
    3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 
    4. American Water Works Association, 
    5. Melissa Denchak, NRDC,